The Road to Low Enrollment is Paved WIth Good Intentions
Remember when Word-of-Mouth was the only thing your school needed in terms of marketing? Ah, the good ol’ days! Remember last fall when enrollment was less than you’d hoped for? That was right around the same time that you promised that you would take a look at some real marketing in the late winter and spring in order to boost enrollment for the 2013-’14 school year.
The bad news is that the school year has sneaked by again. How time flies!
The good news is that it’s not too late to make an impact on your fall enrollment.
It’s only the middle of March, and while it’s likely true that the ideal time to launch your marketing efforts was a month ago, your marketing window is still wide open!
If you need help, or don’t have time, call Go Montessori…call your sister-in-law…call your parent committee…call someone, but do it soon! Then make a short list of priorities along with a timeline and estimated costs. The schools that utilize their budget in the most economical way will likely look at direct mail postcards, cleaning up their website, and having new brochures printed.
When done properly, these three projects will work together and help to boost your enrollment. First, send out a professionally designed and graphically appealing postcard to only local families with children in the home that match the ages of the children you enroll at the school. Once they receive your postcard, they typically will first visit your website, and then call for a tour or more information. After the school tour, you’ll send them home with your new brochure!
Of course there can be many more steps that mix into this short-form marketing plan, but these three items are among the basics that have the greatest impact.
If you need help, we’re here when you’re ready!
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